Vervet monkeys do go to school but not to attend classes.
That would be far too boring, no they go to raid the pantries that are on offer (lunch boxes) found mostly in passages outside classrooms.
Even more fun for the monkeys is to corner scholars carrying their lunch boxes; show their (unbrushed) teeth; snarl and wait to the inevitable scream and scurrying away empty handed. Whoever said that there was no such thing as a 'free lunch'!
Are adults on school premises exempt from such fun? Not if they are also carrying eats and delicacies that should be shared all round.
Sadly some of the incidents do lead to injuries especially where the scholars are too slow to release their sustenance or they put up a brave front and refuse to readily part with their prized possession.
But that can all change where a school takes steps to create safe zones/barriers between scholars and our wild life friends, without harming them in anyway.
A school on the North Coast of KZN did exactly that with the assistance of Monkey Bizness and the company's ultrasonic deterrent technology.
Monkeys were expelled from those parts of the school where the devices were installed ... well all bar one old critter (who must be deaf) as he is unaffected by the irritating sound waves.
Your call if you want safe school grounds and premises (most of the time) ......